SARC has raised the standards of its medical services in Al-Hol Camp through the intervention of a medical convoy consisted...
“I can now provide a better life for my six children and fix my damaged home”, said Tawfiq. Due to...
In the middle of Hasakeh city, the schools have witnessed an increase in students number, where SARC' Water and construction...
You just need few moments with Youssef (12 years) to realize that his great hopes and sense of humour give...
In Rukban, we met Qaed (a name means leader) whose t-shirt carries the emblem of Superman, the most loving character...
In conjunction with the response in Rukban, SARC's volunteers in Hasakeh have distributed winter children clothes, provided by UNICEF, to...
Damascus: February 6 , 2019 Three months after the delivery of the first humanitarian aid convoy to Rukban Camp,...
Syrian Arab Red Crescent held a training workshop under the title “Mobile based Data Collection Workshop using ODK” on 25-...
SARC dispatched the second relief aid convoy to 13 areas in Al-Lajaa in the eastern rural of Daraa (Al-Tiraa, Al-Mitaleh,...
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