In 2021, the operations room of #SyrianArabRedCrescent in Lattakia has received and responded to a huge number of the emergency cases, where the first aid squads were on high readiness. The squads, supported by the #ICRC, have successfully responded to 2394 critical cases, and 879 covid-19 suspected cases.

Internal and external exchange of critical cases
They collaborated with the first aid squads from other SARC branches and exchanged 238 cases. They also carried out exchange operations, with the #LebaneseRedCross, for 5 cases.
Training and empowerment of competencies.
During 2021, the teams also trained 113 people on first aid principles through 7 training workshop that targeted the local community and other private corporations such as Bemo Bank and Al-Manara University.
And to ensure that paramedics maintain with a high level of professional information; 76 volunteers have taken the national paramedic exam, which takes place every six months, twice in the past year.