Salma has faced the whole society alone
Salma once said: “Be like the clouds, face the wind to protect whom you love. ” Even though she dropped out a long time ago, she held on to this quote very sincerely in her heart. It guided and motivated her to persevere in studies and give school another try.
Despite all the mounting pressure of society and family, who believe that girls come to this world to be primary caregivers and to complete house chores, she managed to get back to school and pass highshcool.
A few years prior, Salma had to leave her house in the neighborhood of Marjeh in #Aleppo because of the dire circumstances that the country was facing over the past 10 years.
The story of Salma begun right there when she decided to return home and complete her secondary education.
Anxiety fades with discipline and hard work
After years of walking away from her studies and education, Salma decided to attend some awareness campaigns about women empowerment held by the #SyrianArabRedCrescent within the social center in #Marjeh #Aleppo. It was then and there that she decided to change her status quo and pursue her ultimate dream of graduating high school. With the help of the case manager in the social center, she was finally on the right track.
“If a girl in our society wants to surpass in life, she must attain discipline and work extra hard,” Salma stated.
A bright future in the horizon of women
The volunteers, along with the case manager were a source of tremendous inspiration and support to Salma during her secondary education. Not only did they support her, but they also offered her many services she can take advantage of that allow her to manage her time and overcome the obstacles. She graduated high school and passed high school with a score eligible enough to allow her to enter the major of her dreams.
“Graduating high school was never an easy task for me, especially in my surroundings when the society believes a girl is most suitable at home than in schools.” Salma mentioned. However, she is now ready to give support and advice to the girls who need it most.