Health Promotion Team of the disaster management unit in SARC- Damascus branch in collaboration with the International Medical Corps concluded a series of theatrical performances in 20 shelter centers within Damascus province on 29/10/2016 as it was launched on 04/09/2016.
It included several messages about public and personal hygiene notably the identification and prevention of lice, the importance of hands wash and the and the correct way to do that. The presentations were attended by 1467 children who were gifted with 4401 pieces of soap.
It is worth to mention that the health promotion team of Syrian Arab Red Crescent (water project) – Damascus branch exerts its best efforts to raise health awareness through awareness campaigns and activities designed to enable correct behaviors, which include topics related to water, sanitation and health promotion highlighted cleaning hands, Public and personal hygiene, Food hygiene, Infectious diseases, diarrhea home care and disposal of solid and organic waste.
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