Neither advanced age nor chores could make education an impossible mission for ladies with self-motivation along with encouraging families.
Those ladies whose ages range between (25- 65) tuned their time according to school bell of literacy classes which were launched by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC)) and supported by Danish Red Cross (DRC) in a community center in Al-Dwella area in Damascus city.
Reem Obeid (55 years old): “I came to know about the center by chance. I thought it is a dispensary, but as soon as I heard about the courses, I had my submission and joineda literacy course along with handicraft one. Today, I managed to put my handmade items for sale and some of it are already sold in the neighborhood” Said Reem.
Fatima (62 years old) and Mona Eid (53 years old): “Despite of the tough circumstances around, we have an insisting desire to learn and to join the course accordingly. Today, we can read bill-boards and TV news bar.
Marwa (25 years old): I couldn’t attend the school due to a speech and hearing disorders. However, I could back to learn and improve my speech capabilities thanks to SARC courses”
Farida (35 years old): “Due to my ignorance of reading, I was about to harm my child by giving him a wrong medicine. This accident moved me strongly to gain reading and writing skills. Today, I have the capacity to supervise my children on their education curriculums.
It is important to mention that the community center conducts different courses designed basically for psychosocial support. The courses varied among literacy, handicrafts, Arabic, English and computer (for those over 18 years old), Arabic language for children who drop out of school (8-18 years), and educational activities for children (4-18 years old).