Sheltering Team Rehabilitated Buildings in AlHamdaniya
The Syrian Arab Red Crescent –Aleppo branch’s sheltering team rehabilitated unfinished buildings in AlHamdaniya area. The carried out works were done using shelter kits...
The Syrian Arab Red Crescent –Aleppo branch’s sheltering team rehabilitated unfinished buildings in AlHamdaniya area. The carried out works were done using shelter kits...
SARC's Aleppo branch – water and sanitation team in cooperation with the International Committee of Red Cross finished installing tanks...
The Syrian Arab Red Crescent – Aleppo branch's field intervention team coordinated with all parties on ground and crossed front-lines...
"Robust Return to School" was the title of the activity that held by volunteers of Syrian Arab Red Crescent –Aleppo branch’s...
Follow – up team in Aleppo branch of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent monitored the humanitarian relief aids distribution process,...
To insure continuity of supplying potable water to Aleppo, Syrian Arab Red Crescent – Aleppo field intervention team delivered Chlorine...
Syrian Arab Red Crescent –Aleppo branch’s health care and field intervention teams delivered a batch of neurological and psychiatric medications...
Syrian Arab Red Crescent –Aleppo branch's Hygiene promotion team continues carrying out awareness activities to several community segments in different...
Due to the efforts exerted by the humanitarian field intervention in Syrian Arab Red Crescent –Aleppo branch an Algerian family safely...
Given the outbreak of lice infectiousness and aimed to put limitations to its spread among people, the hygiene promotion team...
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