Millions of people around the world are affected by Down syndrome, chromosome disorder, which is a case people have witnessed throughout history.
This condition commonly affects, to varying degrees, an individual’s learning styles, physical characteristics and health.
What’s most important about this condition that people with Down syndrome are able to manage their lives on their own, when directed and provided with appropriate care whether by their families, teachers or communities around.
On the day of #WorldDownSyndromeDay we would like to share Zain’s inspiring story, which proves that love and determination can make a big difference in life.
Zain, (6 years), has opened his eyes to this life with huge challenges. He was born with down syndrome and with three holes in his heart (orifice heart disease). His parents knew immediately that only acceptance, support and endless love is what they have to show.
Family is the first and ever supporter
Ignoring all society’s comments and looks of pity, his mother, Umm Zain, has surrounded her family with arms of strength, awareness and love. She advised her family that the first step towards helping Zain begins at home. “My son is not disabled, he just needs special care and support. I will provide him with all the help he needs because I believe in him and in his ability, and he has proved that indeed,” said Umm Zain.
Umm Zain told us all about Zain’s journey before and after they met with the #SyrianArabRedCrescent volunteers.
Zain’s medical journey has started since he was 3-days old. His mother, under medical guidance, began help him make physical exercises that help strengthen his physical mass. when he completed his first year, the mother began to train him to hold a pen. She insisted on treating Zain just like his siblings and showing everyone around that he’s no less than others, so he gained an equal respect and self-esteem.
Education step by step
On his fourth year, Umm Zain started working on the educational aspect. She has got her child enrolled in a school that work on integrating people with Down syndrome with their natural peers. Being at school and involved in everything are important for him, but to his peers as well. It helps them with learning to see Zain as just another classmate. They have someone else to look out for, someone else to take care of. The mother also followed up and researched all surrounding resources for the best methods of education and dealing with children with Down syndrome.
During her trip, she met the volunteers of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, where together, they designed a plan to improve Zain’s social and emotional behavior, and to develop his independence and self-care skills.
While working on devising solutions to his educational problems, and enhancing his memory, attention and focus.
People with special needs can play An important role in their societies, when we guide and motivate them.
“I have bet on his abilities; but he has surpassed my expectations and hopes “This is what Umm Zain found out after years of dedicated efforts she exerted as a care-giver to her son.
After a year of following up the training program with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, Umm Zain has seen Zain’s progress accelerate tremendously.
As his confidence amongst other people has improved and has become socially exuberant, can distance himself from his mother and meet strangers comfortably smiling at them.
The educational differences between him and his peers have been decreased greatly. Today, he can count numbers and distinguish between colors, tools, write numbers, and rely on himself in life functions, although he is only six years old.
On the other hand, Umm Zain discovered, after participating in the Parenting Skills Program, within the home rehabilitation services provided by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent volunteers, how to correct Zain’s mistakes in smarter ways that include using motivation and games in education.
Undoubtedly, bringing up a child with Down’s Syndrome is not easy at all. It requires us to deal consciously and to take advantage of all available medical, educational and social concerned authorities.
Everyone has to do his share to support children with Down’s Syndrome.
People with special needs are not a burden on society. Society’s view of them should be one of encouragement, and if the investment in people with special needs is made in a correct way, they will be able to develop their skills, then they can become an integral part of the world we live in.
Despite their physical disability, but they have incomparable love, passion and purity; and that is what make them win the bet.
Umm Zain has a message to every mother who has a child with Down Syndrome:
“Be proud of him, because he will astonish you with his abilities. Believe in your child and support him as his improvement will be your source of self-satisfaction. He is a challenge and he can overcome every challenge”.
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