Health promotion, psychosocial support and Mobile Clinic teams in SARC’s Rural Damascus Branch visited Deir Al Hajar (garbage landfill) on an awareness campaign for mothers and kids about personal and public care and the illness caused by water pollution on Wednesday 30 March.
The campaign lasted for 3 days, and included awareness sessions for mothers about the diseases which spread recently in this area like (Brucellosis, Typhoid fever, Women infections and lice), where the Mobile Clinic provided patients with necessary treatment.
On the other hand, psychosocial support team organized many activities for kids by dividing them into groups to show puppet theater and meaningful competitions about personal and public health care.
The number of beneficiaries reached 573 mothers and 286 kids, while the teams distributed those materials: (228 Women’s mantle, 2602 towel and 1148 blankets) introduction from International Medical Corps (IMC), and 5826 soap tablet introduction from United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
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