Improving Living Conditions for 8580 Affected Persons in Al-Riyada Area
Sheltering team along with water and sanitation team of SARC – Aleppo continue their works on improving shelters' living conditions...
Sheltering team along with water and sanitation team of SARC – Aleppo continue their works on improving shelters' living conditions...
SARC – Aleppo hygiene promotion and field intervention teams delivered chlorine tablets for water purification to eastern parts of Aleppo...
SARC – Aleppo field intervention team delivered 300 dialysis sessions to eastern parts of Aleppo city. Dialysis sessions were supported...
A WHO delegation headed by the WHO representative in Syria and accompanied by the Norwegian delegate visited Aleppo branch of the...
"You make a difference … Thanks for being here" About 400 volunteers and employers at all branches of the Syrian Arab Red...
The accumulation of dumps and swamps lead to proliferation of insects in several areas in Aleppo. Therefore, hygiene promotion team...
SARC – Aleppo field intervention team provided safer access for 36 humanitarian cases through the Humanitarian Corridor (Bustan Al-Qasr –...
The prevailing water shortage problem in Aleppo and the insufficient safe water provisions lead people to use undrinkable water. Hygiene promotion...
Aiming to reach all community segments, PSS mobile team (supported by DRC) held awareness sessions for mothers and adolescent girls...
To empower volunteers and and build their capacities while conducting different activities, the Counseling Center for Psycho- social Support (SARC –...
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