Specific Response to Meet the Needs of IDPs in the Winter
Relief teams of SARC – Aleppo branch continue responding to the basic needs of the affected people in winter cold weather....
Relief teams of SARC – Aleppo branch continue responding to the basic needs of the affected people in winter cold weather....
Community team of the Counseling Center for Psychosocial Support (SARC, Unicef) held an interactive activity for 23 girls of Nablus...
Upon a request by authorized parties, SARC – Aleppo in cooperation with SARC – Idlib branch and through their field intervention...
SARC – Aleppo's teams of field intervention , relief and water and sanitation crossed frontlines after coordinating with all parties on...
To estimate the humanitarian situation in Aleppo and review the humanitarian work conducted by Aleppo branch of the Syrian Arab Red...
Assessment is an essential priority of all different humanitarian responses of SARC. According to that concept, SARC – Aleppo’s relief and...
Adolescents are of the primary groups that the Counseling Center for Psychosocial Support (SARC, the Danish Project) targets through its...
Crossing through the Humanitarian Corridor (Bustan Al-Qasr – Al-Masharqa) is an exceptional humanitarian action that alleviate the suffering of hundreds...
Hemodialysis centers are of the most health facilities affected with water cessation since hemodialysis sessions need massive amounts of safe...
SARC - Aleppo has delivered a set of seasonal influenza's medications to operative health establishments in eastern parts of Aleppo...
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