Psychosocial Support Activities in Swaida
For their objective in building children's confidence and help them expressing themselves and communicating effectively with others, the Psychosocial Support Team at...
For their objective in building children's confidence and help them expressing themselves and communicating effectively with others, the Psychosocial Support Team at...
Syrian Arab Red Crescent in Tartous & Lattakia in coordination with the Headquarters responded to sudden stop working chlorine gas...
On 29 January a Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) car was involved in an accident in Sweida, southern Syria, due...
SARC PSS Team in Tartous branch recently has concluded a campaign that targeted 1850 students in schools of Hosen Al-Baher,...
In coordination with Water Institution and supported by ICRC, SARC Water and Sanitation team in Swaida launched a project of power line install with...
Raising awareness of health promotion is an essential aspect of the work of the health team and the psycho-social support team at...
Water and Sanitation team of SARC– Swaida Branch responded to water shortage crisis in the rural of Swaida (Salakhed, Altha'lah, Dama...
Water & Sanitation Team SARC- Swaida Branch in cooperation with local community water institution and supported by the International Committee...
Distribution team in SARC Latakia branch responded to the people's needs of Latakia countryside. During the two week response the teamdelivered...
As you may know Leishmania is a disease caused by the Sand Fly attacking the uncovered area of the body!...
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